4 Warning Signs Your Fitness Level Is Poor!
Being overwhelmed by numerous activities can deter our minds from our physical fitness level and this is very common; but here is a guide that you can frequently check to review your current fitness level. These signs indicate poor fitness levels, and these warning signs should prompt you to get back in shape. Remember, you have to be honest with yourself.
Having a high resting heart rate.
“A high resting heart rate” can be a very crucial factor when determining whether or not you have a low fitness level. This is often seen at rest, either when sitting or lying down. You notice an elevation in your heart rate when you glance at a fitness tracker; or undergo a simple medical checkup.
This can also indicate stress and anxiety but it’s seen in a lot of individuals who are in a poor physical state. When you exercise regularly, your body’s circulation excels as the heart can continuously circulate blood and burn energy while using excess fat to form plaques in your blood vessels; interrupting blood circulation. However; when you don’t exercise regularly, you will have much more insufficient circulation, plaque formation, fat stores build-up, and a decline in your overall fitness.
We recommend performing aerobic exercises with a consistent increase in frequency and intensity. Some studies show that the duration of thirty minutes is adequate at least five times a week.
You Feel Exhausted Regularly
When Performing Simple Routine Tasks or Chores, the feeling of exhaustion occurs more frequently than usual. You feel like you need to take more rest time as you might be exerting yourself too much. This may present as taking a lot of rest, having difficulty breathing or not being able to stand; and having the feeling of being very reluctant to complete simple tasks that require you to move more. These signs can be crucial indicators of low physical fitness and indicators for an underlying disease. You must visit your physician to get a full body checkup and if you have received their approval, begin a physical fitness regimen. Get a fitness goal and plan to improve your overall fitness level.
Having Difficulty Breathing with Elevated Heart Rate When Performing Activities
Although this can occur in the older population due to a combination of diseases from multiple etiologies; it is predominantly in the younger obese or inactive population. When activities as simple as walking from one room to the next or walking up a flight of stairs seem like a marathon resulting in effort-induced breathing, there is a massive load of stress-induced on both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
In simple terms, the body adjusts to the level of stress you put on it. Once you overload your body with massive amounts of stress that it has not been conditioned to, your body has to find a way to compensate for this new level of stress. To improve your physical condition, you have to gradually and consistently increase the load of stress your body receives; but as always, you have to get the approval of your physician, who must first rule out any underlying medical condition before soliciting the help of a fitness trainer or group trainer.
Experiencing Pain or Muscle Soreness
We all can appreciate the dreadful feeling of having to crawl out of bed after a few days of going back to the gym; or the constant cramping that often wakes you up from a peaceful sleep. We also empathize with people experiencing backaches, aching knees; or shoulders after they have performed a rigorous physical activity that was overbearing for their body because they haven’t been in the best of shape.
Frequently, we cross mental & physical barriers to performing a physical activity only to suffer the consequences later. This simply points to the sign that we are physically out of shape with additional signs like a decrease in performance etc. Although stretching and mobility exercises often come in handy; we still have to address the big picture, which is you need to get in shape.