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How To Sleep Better

How To Sleep Better!

Quality sleep ensures quality performance in everyday life. Sleep affects how well we concentrate, our ability to understand written material and recall information, our mood, how well we communicate, and even the performance of our immune system. In this blog article, we will explore the hindrances of good sleep and offer expert advice on how to get the best possible sleep to remain healthy.

What affects quality sleep? Three things affect good sleep. These are well-being, surroundings, and daily routine.

Well-being (physical and mental)

If you ever had trouble sleeping because of a headache or a stuffy nose, then you know how essential health is in relation to sleeping well. Medication can be helpful in this case but may be counterproductive if the medication deals with the aches or congestion but makes it harder to sleep.  Consult a general practitioner or a pharmacist to get the most effective medication to suppress symptoms while also getting a good night’s rest.

Depression, anxiety, and worry also have the propensity to disrupt quality sleep. Racing thoughts before a big day, imagining the worst possible events, and reliving shameful or sad moments at night make it hard for anyone to fall asleep and get quality sleep. Try thinking about positive things, meditating, or even drinking something warm. If this pattern persists for over 30 days period, take more diligent steps to reduce anxiety, worry, and fear. You can meditate, get massages, take walks in nature or exercise. Check out our blog on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety for a detailed guide to becoming worry-free.


Where you sleep should be designated only for sleeping. Other activities must be done in another room or another area other than your bed. For example, eat, play games, study, or watch television in another area or another room. This will allow your mind to associate your bed and bedroom with sleeping instead of other activities thereby making it easier to fall asleep.

It is also recommended that phones and computers be used two hours before you sleep to reduce their impact on your sleep. Electronic devices contain displays that cause sleep disturbance by hindering the production of a hormone that aids in sleeping, melatonin.

Excess light, excess noise, and unsuitable temperature can hinder quality sleep. If you are unable to reduce the disturbances of light and noise, wear eye masks and earplugs. A room that is too hot or too cold may prevent you from dozing off or maintaining a peaceful sleep. If it is too hot, use a thinner covering and crack a window. If it is too cold, use a thicker blanket and thick curtains.

Be sure to keep a sleep diary to keep track of the appropriate sleep conditions for you.

Daily Routine

The food you eat, your water intake, and your exercise routine affect how well you sleep at night. Certain classes of foods, like dairy products, aid in increasing your inclination to sleep. Other foods, however, decrease this desire. These foods, like candy and coffee, usually contain sugar and caffeine. Avoid eating such foods late at night so that you can sleep better.

If you are dehydrated at night, you may wake up because of an intense thirst.  This may be because of alcohol intake or simply a lack of sufficient water intake. Alcohol may make you feel drowsy, but it decreases the quality of your sleep as you may wake up after the effects have worn off.

Exercise has many benefits pertaining to inhibitors of quality sleep: anxiety, worry, and depression. It is therefore especially essential to the quality of sleep. The important thing to note here is that exercising at the appropriate time enables good rest. Exercising in the morning or afternoon is better as opposed to late at night. The adrenaline production may keep you awake if you exercise closer to bedtime.

Best advice on how to get a good night’s sleep

Practice healthy eating and regular exercise.

Try not to nap. If you sleep during the day it will be harder to sleep at night. Keep yourself busy and active to avoid napping.

Don’t force yourself to sleep if you are not tired. Simply, use a few minutes to walk, or drink something warm (without sugar and caffeine). You can return to bed when you feel sleepier.

Relax. Learn to unwind mentally and rest your body.

Note your sleep patterns in a journal. Track how different variables (light, distractions, etc) affect your sleep so you can know what works for you.

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